Belly fat, also known as visceral fat. It is the fat that lies beneath the abdominal wall, wrapped around organs like the liver, stomach and intestines. An increasing waistline isn’t just an aesthetic concern and is harmful for both the sexes. High amounts of belly fat are associated with illnesses such as cardiovascular disease, dementia, and cancer.
Visceral fat literally lives for sugar, because sugar causes fat cells to mature faster, specifically into visceral fat.
One of the biggest contributors to belly fat is a diet high in added sugar (especially sugar-sweetened drinks) and simple or refined carbs which rapidly turn to sugar in the body.
Losing just 10% of your body weight will reduce visceral fat by 30%
Removing sugar-sweetened drinks and juices, refined grains, baked goods, and processed foods from your diet can help reduce your waistline.
Exercise also signals the liver to use stored fat.
Lack of sleep triggers fat store, so get sufficient sleep.
DISCLAIMER: this article is meant for just information